without overwhelm.

launch your business

Discover how to FINALLY


In this training, I'll give you an inside look at my business and how I started it with little to no money, knowledge of the industry, or a big following.

You will leave this training with your FIRST TEN steps roadmap to take this from an idea and start taking some action.

Learn my 10 step roadmap to starting your business
without overwhelm.

purchase now | $97

You have the want and now you just need the roadmap to get there!

You wouldn't still be watching everyone else running their dream businesses. 

Your product would be in the hands of an audience that supports you and proud to stand behind your brand

You'd have extra income to do things you love 

You'd feel more fulfilled in life to finally be doing "your own thing"

It wouldn't still be an idea in your mind that you put off year after year

imagine if you had started the business a year ago...

After running my stationery business for the last five years it's my number one goal to help you do the same! I'm here to give you the roadmap and eliminate the stress that comes with starting your online stationery business. From gaining the clarity, creating your dream product, and learning how to become consistent with your ideas you'll get unstuck and into action to FINALLY start making money doing what you love. 


Meet your hostess!

This program is NOT for someone who wants to start a service-based or coaching business. It is specifically designed to give you the tools to build, launch, and grow your product-based business.

You want a quick win to get the first few steps in some areas of your business. 

You're looking for an easy to follow process for your business foundation, making a product, launching, and planning.

Someone who has been stuck on just getting started with the idea of a product-based business.

who is this for?

This program is NOT for you if you're looking for specific in-depth information on creating products and getting vendor information. Please check out the services page to learn more about programs that do offer this to you.

Get ready to be motivated to get start right away on everything you learned! You WILL have clear steps on how to start and what to focus on first!

You'll leave with action steps.

This training comes with a workbook as well as a Trello Launch template and Business Planning Checklist.

Resources included!

I'll be giving you tons of gems to help you get unstuck so get ready with your pen and paper to jot down all you need to know.

It will be a value-packed training

My promise to you...

purchase now | $97

I'm ready to get the roadmap and
FINALLY start! 

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© Tatiana muse 2022